Great Finds and Value for Money at the Great Northern Sale

I mentioned in my other post that I needed a new bag and pants to use at work. Well, this Great Northern Sale was of perfect timing with up to 70% off the regular price on selected items. After the workweek I headed to SM North Edsa on July 13, the first day of the big sale. I decided to go on the first day to have a glimpse on everything. Also, though I enjoy shopping I try to avoid a large crowd as it might trigger migraine. So where to go first, I thought.Given a Php 500 budget would I be able to buy what I want?

Here are the bags! But I just need one at the moment.

 I wonder where all these people came from?

And these?

5 new iPads per SM branch that had a 3-day Sale were up for grabs!

 With every Php 1,000 single receipt at SM Department Store, customer is entitled to a raffle entry.

Since I went after office hours, I only had like 3 or 4 hours to go around.  Guess what? Half an hour before store closed I went to Toy Kingdom because I remembered it's Friday and kids would be waiting for their pasalubong. So here it is, goodbye bags and pants. Hello, new chairs and table for my two kiddos!

Got this stuff for only Php 899.75 (Regular price Php 1,799.75) With extra money and since it's payday I just added Php 400 to my Php 500 budget and the kids just loved it!

This is the biggest SM Sale event I have ever experienced so far and I am looking forward for another. Promised myself I'd be saving to be able buy some stuff of my own.


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